Scroll down for the menu and recipes. . .
Our deep gratitude to Chef Liviah Wessley for providing the full menu and to Chef Annie Kahan for Annie’s Sufganiyot and latkes!
At Bubbe’s House we invite you to smell the delicious cooking, hear the sound of our Klezmer accordion music, taste the latkes and sufganiyot and other Hanukkah treats. Bubbe is our grandmother who came to Hannukah Town from the Old Country in 1887 with her four sisters, her Mamele and Zayde, to find new freedom in this special place. Any time she cooks (and when isn’t she cooking?), the neighborhood children are drawn to the stoop of her brownstone in Hanukkah Town… It’s the one on the end of the block that Zayde built with his own hands. You know that whatever else is happening, she will be out soon with treats feeding all the hungry children with mouth-watering delicacies her Mamele taught her to make. Be careful, in trade, she will definitely pinch your cheeks and give you a squeeze and marvel about how much you’ve grown. We’ve been taller than Bubbe since we were eight years old, but she has more energy than any of us, cooking before we wake up and after we go to sleep at night.

Kohenet Liviah Wessely has been cooking for as long as she can remember. She used to stand on a stool to help her great-grandmother on the Russian side, make traditional Ashkenazi recipes like chicken soup and kasha varnishkas. She would work side-by-side with her mother making lasagna with homemade bolognese sauce and other staple foods. Her grandmother on the Hungarian side made more exotic dishes that inspired Liviah to explore many cultures in her cooking. Liviah is sole proprietor of MamaBakes.net and has catered a wide range of events from Passover seders and b’nei mitzvot celebrations, to birthdays, weddings, funerals, public school openings, and church functions. She is especially devoted to Mediterranean cultures–Greek, Italian, and Middle-Eastern cooking, as well as Chinese, French, and African dishes, primarily from Ethiopia and Ghana. She specializes in challah formed into whimsical designs and her chocolate chip shortbread is under investigation by the FDA as an addictive substance. Liviah’s children have been known to complain about how her cooking has ruined them for eating any of her specialties while out in restaurants. Only Mama’s quiche, matzoh ball soup, and challah will do. She wishes she could invite all of you over to her house this holiday season for three kinds of latkes (potato/onion, zucchini, and sour apple) served with homemade applesauce and homemade sour cream, gravlax, brisket, and sufganiyot. Who will help her eat the ridiculous amount of food she makes–just in case a battalion drops by?

Annie Kahan is an Israeli chef who specializes in couture pastries. Her education includes the famous school of pastry chef and chocolatier Estella M. Belfer. She is the Owner and founder of Doron&Annie, a company specializing in concept dinners, along with Doron Levy, prior chef at the well-known Dinings restaurant in Tel-Aviv and the Gramercy Tavern in NYC.
Annie is also the owner and founder of Annie’s Cookies, noted for its pastries and special treats, and sweet and savory holiday gifts and packages.
You are more than welcome to click on these links and check out some of the dishes from recent events: