Nov 22 | Icelandic Christmas Traditions
Iceland has a unique culture surrounding its Christmas revels. Many of the northern Scandinavian countries draw their Christmas celebrations from the ancient traditions of the winter solstice. In particular, the honoring of Jól (Yule). There are themes of hope, renewal, and redemption, the victory of light and life over dark and death. In Iceland there are six days of Jól merriment, each with its own significance.
Read MoreNov 23 | The History of Santa Claus
The spirit of Santa Claus is deeply embedded within the traditions of many cultures across the world. His roots grew from the ancient rituals of winter solstice and saturnalia. The Scandinavians celebrated Jul (Yule), from the Norse word for “wheel,” celebrating themes of hope, renewal, redemption and the victory of light and life over dark and death. Traditions of gift giving, ornaments, evergreen, and celebration emerged.
Read MoreNov 25 | A Trinidad & Tobago Christmas
The tropical climate in Trinidad & Tobago makes for a warm and sunny holiday season, but that doesn’t stop its citizens from getting into the Christmas spirit!
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