Más allá de la audición universitaria

Estrategias de planificación universitaria para estudiantes de secundaria con Amy Asbury MM, MS

Sat Feb 26 2022
10:00 am EDT

LUGAR VIRTUAL: Old Wicke Black Box Theatre


Solicitar plaza en la universidad puede ser una experiencia muy diferente para los estudiantes de música. Además de prepararse para las audiciones, hay muchas otras consideraciones y requisitos. Obtén consejos y recursos relacionados con la búsqueda de la universidad adecuada para ti, cómo aprovechar al máximo las visitas a los campus, cómo gestionar los plazos y mucho más.


Amy Asbury is a passionate supporter of music education. She has been teaching and performing classical and non-classical styles for over 20 years. She has presented at national and international conferences on topics related to voice science, education, and the role of cultural arts in society at events such as the Pan-European Voice Conference, the Voice Foundation, and the annual conference for the Association of Arts Administration Educators. She especially loves working with adolescent voices and guiding them along their musical journey. With her graduate studies in Voice Pedagogy
and Arts Administration from Shenandoah Conservatory and undergraduate voice studies at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, she views higher education as a door to new worlds of opportunities. She hopes to help as many students as possible access higher education through sharing her knowledge and guiding students along the college planning process.