Diana Restrepo Fogarassy

Diana Restrepo-Fogarassy is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Vocal Pedagogy in Contemporary Music (CCM) at Shenandoah University. She received a Master of Musical Arts with an emphasis on singing from the Faculty of Arts (ASAB) of the District University in 2006, as well as a Diploma in Analysis and education of the spoken and sung voice at the Manuela Beltrán University (2010). She also completed a Master’s degree in Music (Cum Laude) with an emphasis on Musicology at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (2018), with her thesis on the vocality of Guabina music.

Actualmente está cursando la maestría en Pedagogía Vocal en Contemporary Commercial Music en Shenandoah University. Maestra en Artes Musicales con énfasis en canto de la Facultad de Artes (ASAB) de la Universidad Distrital (2006). Diplomado en Análisis y educación de la voz hablada y cantada en la Universidad Manuela Beltrán (2010). Hizo su maestria en música con énfasis en Musicologia en la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (2018), con distinción Cum Laude, teniendo como tema de su tesis la vocalidad de la canta de guabina.