Sirisha Duvvuru
Dr. Sirisha Duvvuru is a Speech Language Pathologist and a Carnatic Vocalist. Dr. Duvvuru completed her doctoral program under the mentorship of Dr. Molly Erickson in 2012 from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Her dissertation titled “The effect of timbre, pitch, and vibrato on vocal pitch matching accuracy” was published in the Journal of Voice (2014). Currently, she is a Clinical supervisor in the state of Texas. Her areas of interest include voice science and swallowing, especially for professional voice users.
Dr. Duvvuru earned a graduate degree in Carnatic Music in 2017 (India) and has taught Indian classical music for more than seven years. She has performed in the US and India, both on stage and virtually. Dr. Duvvuru’s goal is to bring voice culture into the training aspect of Carnatic music that would enable singers to learn the right technique and healthy use of voice. She believes that bringing voice science and traditional aspects of Carnatic music together will make a difference in vocal pedagogy in this genre of music.