About Holidayopolis
Bem-vindo ao Holidayopolis
Holidayopolis is holiday history; Holidayopolis is holiday friendly; but Holidayopolis isn’t just for visiting, it’s for experiencing. Immerse yourself by taking in live performances. We still have a few per year. And video replays of one of a kind live performances that we think you will still love watching! Each place has its own personality, own fictitiously fun history, and real history of each holiday. Here we have gotten to know more about what our fellow Holidayopolans celebrate, what’s sacred, what’s deeply held in our hearts. We’ve found that we have a lot in common . . . whether we are lighting a diya, a hanukiah, a Christmas tree or a kinara, or a solstice bonfire, light and love abound. We just learned about Yalda, another solstice holiday that has been celebrated for thousands of years. We are still learning, and we’ll keep adding as we learn. We wish the world could get to know one another, the basic good of human hearts, and come together like we have in Holidayopolis.

Who are we? Co-founders Beth Falcone, Roosevelt Credit and Ritt Henn, all based in New York City, wanted to invent a place we could all gather safely for the holidays, pandemic or not. We called on numerous friends who we lovingly call City Council Members to guide us in the creation of each neighborhood. It was a labor of love from all over the world to name each place and bring artists who needed a place to perform together with audiences who needed a place to be… not just to take in art, but to take in each other, to talk, to commune.
Our fair city is as diverse as the neighborhoods that make up its unique landscape: Christmas Village, Diwaliwood, Hanukkah Town, Kwanzaa Heights, New Year’s Island and Solstice Circle. Our citizens and performers hail from all over the world, including India, Iceland, Israel, Europe, North and South America, and counting… What is Holidayopolis? We’ll continue to co-create this place together for as long as we need.
“If you want to understand someone, walk a mile in their music.”
—Izzy Snowbird, Proprietor
Café DiwanukKwanzmasm known to the locals as “Café D”

Your passport will take you anywhere you want to go, but to fully enjoy the experience, you will need to have access to Zoom. That way you can hear live concerts, attend cooking classes, invite friends and family to have dinner together at any of our award-winning restaurants and mingle with the locals.
If you need to download zoom, click here: zoom.us/download
If you need more help, you can check out a tutorial anytime at www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsy2Ph6kSf8)
Did we mention Santa is waiting to see you? He and Mrs. C have their holiday home here in Christmas Village, so we have the exclusive SantaCam direct to the North Pole! All Holidayopolans are welcome! Just make your appointment in advance at the NORTH POLE SANTA CAM! All Holidayopolans are welcome to visit with Santa!
Virtual backgrounds aren’t required to visit any of our spaces, but if you’d like to play with site-specific backdrops, feel free to download any of our virtual backgrounds to theaters, restaurants and nature spaces here.
Click Here for a listing of live events, and click around the map to see all there is to do during your visit. The schedule is updated regularly, so check back often!