Babette Lightner
Babette Lightner (She) is from the Mississippi River Watershed near Rush Creek in Wisconsin. Her work, Wholeness in Motion, is about Wholefullness. It is an on-going synthesis of 40 years exploring movement, somatic work, nature, mythology, and cluture. She is part of the faculty at VoiceCare Network and co-creative director of the Center for Sound Music Education. She is a Certified Alexander Technique teacher (30 years) and a LearningMethods™ teacher (20 years). She taught in the Professional Actor Training and Music Department at the University of Minnesota and has lectured and taught for many universities, institutions, and organizations including the Guthrie Theater, Sister Kenny Institute, Balk Opera Music Institute, Taipei National University of Arts in Taiwan, Western University in Ontario, and many more.
“How do we move in our teaching and personal choices from what I am coming to understand is Competitive, Euro-centric, Scarcity driven, Industrial Growth Society to a Global majority, Sustainable, Cooperative Life-Giving Society? How do I shift my ways of seeing, my words, my teaching methods to align with Life-affirming paradigms? My writing, teaching, and video work centers on co-creatively exploring these questions and possibilities. The work is one voice in the global movement to embody Life-Giving paradigms on a personal level for global change.”
— Babette Lightner