$15 (min. $1)
Confort invernal: fondue, música y tejido
Primero aprendemos una receta secreta de fondue con Raphael (¡en directo desde Suiza!) Después Cat nos enseña a tejer regalos de invierno en el telar mientras Jonah Talbot teje melodías con su dulcémele.
3:00 pm EDT
El chef casero Raphaël Bagi Lauren nos mostrará su histórica receta familiar de fondue de invierno, en directo desde su cocina en Lausana, Suiza, mientras la artista textil Catherine B. Weaver nos enseña a enhebrar un telar y luego se lanza al telar de suelo para terminar los regalos navideños tejidos a mano para familiares y amigos. Jonah Talbott teje melodías con su dulcimer para una tarde tranquila de comida reconfortante, música y tejidos.
Catherine B. Weaver likes to make things. Her work is typically functional, generally optimistic, and infused with protective magic – like the mantra you write on the mirror to counter the demons in your head. A lifelong devotee to the act of creation, Catherine entered the world of textiles in 2017, studying with Master Weaver Jan Doyle at the Carolina Fiber Center on Narragansett land in southern Rhode Island. She is currently enrolled in the Master Weaver course, a member of the board at the Carolina Fiber Center and runs her own teaching studio in Pawtucket (Wampanoag/Narragansett) Rhode Island. In addition to weaving, she studies herbalism and permaculture, writes songs, LOVES to garden, ferments her veggies and sings at every opportunity. Of her work, Catherine says, “I’m equally focused on bringing beauty into the world and developing skills to serve my community, as we work towards a collaborative, regenerative future.”
Pocono Dulcimer Club member Jonah Talbott is a sought-after dulcimer clinician. His knowledge of the roots and heritage of the American dulcimer, both the mountain and hammered versions, is impressive. An afternoon with Jonah weaving tunes will bring your blood pressure down in no time at all!
Hobby Chef Raphaël Bagi Lauren will be sharing his secret family recipe for cheese fondue, traditionally made for the holidays. In his spare time, he is a professional actor and a recent graduate from law school! The secret is in the cheese you select. Sign up to find out!