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About Café DiwanukKwanzmas

Café DiwanukKwanzmas (De-VAH-nu-KWANZ-mus) is one of the newer music establishments in Holidayopolis, named after what is now the official song of our fair city: “Happy DiwanukKwanzmas”! 

Think Diwali + Hanukkah + Kwanzaa + Christmas, and you’ve got the idea! We pride ourselves in celebrating every holiday — the music, the food, the fun, and the family traditions — all in an equitably festive manner! There is always much to learn, so if you have a holiday we don’t know about, write us and we’ll make sure your honored celebration is added to our concert calendar. 

Our motto: “If you want to understand someone, walk a mile in their music.”

We look forward to walking a musical mile with you… See you inside!